Experience 1: Pratyahara - Tapping into the 5 Senses 

This is the first of nine unique experiences you’ll be taken through over the next month: each carefully selected to arouse your dormant reality-bending powers.

Keep looking out for our notification emails over the next few days, which will lead you to this membership page to try new content as it unlocks. Stay committed, and you are highly likely to experience your own instance of bending reality before these 30 days are up: like hitting an elusive goal, or enjoying an unlikely synchronicity in any area of life.

What exactly happens depends on you and your personal goals.

The first step of Reality Bending Month is known as Pratyahara: a mind-body-spirit exercise that dials down your five senses, and replaces them with specific mental images designed to soothe and stimulate you on a deeper subconscious level. Somewhat paradoxically, this imagery will train your senses to operate at their highest potential... and is a crucial step to projecting your creation powers into reality.

When you're ready and relaxed, hit play to begin the exercise.

Keep checking your inbox for your next Reality Bending Month lesson in the coming days, and tell us in the comments section below:

You are now a the cusp of a higher state of consciousness.

Pratyahara is a powerful foundation to many of the advanced tools found in the full Project:Yourself course. For instance, you can try combining it with other mind exercises that bring you into a state of detachment (Vairagya), to further amplify the hyper-sensory effect.

How did this exercise make you feel?

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