The Inner Riches Meditation Experience Day 9

Creating your abundant new reality
Centering thought of the day: “My experience is abundant”

You’ve made it.

Your experiences over the past 8 days have all led up to this point: the final guided meditation, the final exercise, and most importantly…

The final piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating your abundant new reality.

Dr. Puja Shah, myself and the entire Project:Yourself team honor your intentions and determination. And we thank you for your support.

Your final guided meditation focuses on the 9th level of the Sri Yantra, called Create. This is represented by the center of the Sri Yantra, known as the ‘bindu’.

This central element is the ultimate point to the Sri Yantra, the origin of creation where you create from and literally project your new reality.

Today we complete your journey by tapping into your infinite source of power to meditate on your reason for being.

Your unique purpose.

You’ll find it’s almost like peeling back the layers of an onion and visualizing a lotus flower unfolding. Each layer contains vital information to guide your soul. That’s why it’s important to have your entire body and system in balance and running like a well-oiled machine.

After all you’ve been through to get here, this is the ultimate guided meditation that will finally tap you into your purest Self, your infinite potential, and a higher plane of existence - all of which you can draw on to powerfully bring your new abundant reality into your current reality:

Day 9 Meditation

The Cosmic Creation Guided Meditation

You MUST use stereo headphones or earbuds for the Holosync®/alpha brain wave patterns (the background track) to be effective.

To make these meditations even more powerful and effective, we've added, beneath the spoken voice, world-famous Holosync® audio technology (licensed from Centerpointe Research Institute). These slightly audible Holosync® audio tones will place you in a deep meditative (and super-receptive) alpha brain wave pattern--expanding your awareness and your openness, and allowing these meditations to affect you at an even deeper level.

Did you know meditation makes you more creative?

There are two major ingredients for creativity: divergent thinking, which is pulling multiple ideas out of thin air, and convergent thinking, which is synthesizing those ideas into one usable concept.

A study at Leiden University on a group of test subjects found that even a short meditation practice was able to dramatically enhance both divergent and convergent thinking - even when those subjects had never meditated before.


You’ve arrived at the final day of the
Inner Riches Meditation Experience...

But there’s one more profound experience you must
have to complete your journey.

You see, our intention with this experience has always been to lock in meditation (and other conscious practices) as an enjoyable daily habit: a practice that comes to you as naturally as breathing.

Not only that - we also want to show you how to do it the proper way, for maximum results.

This is the key to deepening and sustaining the positive effects you may have experienced in flashes throughout the experience.

The unbreakable calmness and acceptance. The freedom from stress, self-doubt and negativity. The flowing river of creativity, intuition and profound realizations.

Why should these only last 9 days - when they could last your entire life?

That’s why we want to help you not only find the focus, motivation and guidance to carry on meditating - but also to expand your conscious practices into a variety of other techniques and tools what will add a newfound sense of depth, joy, personal power and success to your life.

We want to perform better at our careers and businesses.

We want the unique experiences and leverage that wealth buys.

We want to stop worrying about money and start living.

If that describes you… you’ll love the Project:Wealth mini course we created by popular demand.

In this course you’ll find a set of unusual conscious practices for drawing more wealth into your life (this isn’t your average manifesting or wealth course!)

Find out more here:

Explore Project:Wealth

What was your experience with today’s guided meditation and exercise? Tell us below and share this experience with others:

Holosync® is a registered trademark of Centerpointe Research Institute, Inc., and is used with permission.

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